Share your thoughts

If you have purchased a Market Sale home with us and would like to share your feedback, please read through our feedback procedure below.

Our Promise

When we deal with a complaint, we’ll always: 

  • Be fair and follow our complaints process 
  • Put things right 
  • Learn from it 

We’ll try and resolve the issue for you straight away, if we’re not able to do this because we need to look at things in more detail, then we’ll log a formal complaint for you. 

We’ll let you know we’ve received your complaint within five workings days. Once we’ve logged your complaint, we’ll aim to resolve it within 10 working days.

You will receive an assessment and response letter within 30 days.

If your complaint has not been resolved and closed within 8 weeks, we will write to you to explain what has happened so far and when we expect the issues to be resolved.




If we can’t solve the problem straight away, we’ll log a stage one formal complaint.  

We’ll let you know we’ve received your complaint within five workings days. Once we’ve logged your complaint, we’ll aim to resolve it within 10 working days. We’ll investigate the complaint and contact you to talk through how we can resolve the issue.


If you're not happy with our decision, you can ask for a review. We call this a stage two formal complaint.  You have eight weeks from receiving our stage one formal complaint response to do this. A senior colleague will go over our original decision and look at any new information. 

We aim to let you know the outcome of the review within 20 working days of your request.  


The New Homes Quality Board (NHQB) is an independent not-for-profit body which was established for the purposes of developing a new framework to oversee reforms in the build quality of new homes and the customer service provided by developers.

If you are unhappy with the way your complaint has been dealt with you can refer your complaint to the New Homes Housing Ombudsman Service. 

Market Sale Complaint Procedure


We are a registered developer and comply with both
the New Homes Consumer Code and the New Homes
Quality Board.

In the rare event you still feel dissatisfied after following
our formal complaints procedure, it is possible you might
be able to pursue your issue further with your Warranty
Provider or through one of the following channels:

Consumer Code for Home Builders (for homes reserved
before the 4 April 2023)

New Homes Quality Board (for homes reserved on or after
4 April 2023)

In addition, all homeowners of who reserved their home
after 4 April 2023 are still able to progress concerns to the
New Homes Ombudsman Service